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Web3 Creative Festival
[email protected]
Web3 Creative Festival
23.09.01(금) 11:00 ~ 23.09.04(월) 20:00
23.08.02(수) 14:30 ~ 23.08.31(목) 23:59
장 소
서울특별시 강남구 영동대로 513 코엑스 코엑스아티움 4층
주 소
서울 강남구 영동대로 513   코엑스 코엑스아티움 4층
1,000 명
세계최초 웹3 온체인 상장 Daren Market과 블록체인 컨설팅 회사 Blockkey와 ChainWith는 아티스트 협업 웹3 페스티발을 9월1-4일 코엑스에서 개최합니다.
그룹명 모집인원 참가비용
Web3 Creative Festival 1,000명 무료
행사 안내

The world's first Web3 on-chain marketplace, Daren, will join forces with local Korean blockchain consulting firms, Blockkey and ChainWith, to host a grand offline industry summit in Seoul in September. The main objective of this summit is to provide an excellent platform for communication and collaboration among Web3.0 technology and metaverse ecosystem promoters from Asia and around the world. Additionally, it aims to facilitate the advancement of participating industry projects' products in terms of local user acquisition, long-term operations, and development.

As one of the most significant and largest events during Korea Blockchain Week, this summit will bring together 30+ partners, 50+ media partners, 200+ industry influencers, and over 20 traditional and NFT artists. The expected attendance will exceed 5000 people, including over 1000 outstanding talents, leaders, investors, developers, and industry experts from top Web3.0 companies globally. Representatives from various international media outlets will also be present, along with over 4000 active users who have a strong interest in Web3.0 and a desire to participate in various Web3 projects.

Special Sessions:

Day 1 - September 1st: Web Game/AI

  1. Chains for Powering Big Production Web3 Games

  2. Next Trendy Approaches to Web3 Game Marketing

  3. Exploring the New Web3 Game Paradigm

  4. The Synergy of AI and Web3: Opportunities and Challenges

  5. How AI Has Influenced Crypto Currency Trading

Day 2 - September 2nd: NFT/Fashion

  1. NFT Market Recovery: Trends and Insights

  2. The Art of Storytelling in NFT Projects: Engaging Audiences

  3. NFT's Immersion in Everyday Life: A Cultural Shift

  4. Practical Applications of Fashion and NFT Combinations

  5. Exploring the NFT Magazine Market in Korea

Day 3 - September 3rd: RWA/DeFi

  1. Understanding "Everything Could Be Real-World Assets" (RWA)

  2. The Synergy between RWA and DeFi: Unlocking New Possibilities

  3. Innovations in DeFi: The Impact of the New Version of Uniswap on Web3

  4. Real-World Use Cases of RWA in the Web3 Ecosystem

  5. RWA's Role in Facilitating Adoption of Web3


  • * 이벤트의 신청/취소/변경/환불은 참여신청 기간 내에만 가능합니다.
  • * 결제한 유료이벤트는 환불 시 결제 수단과 환불 시점에 따라 수수료가 부과될 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 취소/환불약관을 확인해주세요.
  • * (주)토큰포스트는 참여신청 및 참가비 결제 기능을 제공하며 모임개설자(주최측)가 아닙니다. 이벤트 내용과 관련한 사항은 모임 개설자에게 문의 바랍니다.
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Web3 Creative Festival
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