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[12월12일] 넥소(Nexo), Snapshot

@NexoFinance SAID:

@CGreggy We are in active communication with the CEO of Flare Network, discussing the details and intricacies of their project. Furthermore, as announced in another tweet, the snapshot of the XRP ledger for the Spark distribution will be taken on December 12th.

1. 이벤트 아젠다    

  1) 이벤트: 넥소(Nexo), Snapshot

  2) 일시: 2020년 12월 12일(UTC기준)

2. 토큰(업로드일 기준)    

  1) 시세: 77,131,375,933 KRW

  2) 거래량: 7,750,615,146 KRW

  3) 560,000,011 NEXO

3. 주요링크

  - 웹사이트: https://nexo.io/

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  • 망경동왕초
  • 2020.12.02 08:03:45
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